Smart Sourcing Solutions Ltd.
We identify new opportunities and meet challenges with pragmatism and tenacity, helping our clients achieve business results quickly and at scale.
You may hear "outsourcing" associated with software development projects. But there are many more business processes and projects that need to be outsourced - one of which is research and development. R&D as a Service - What should you know and why should you consider outsourcing product development?

Outsourced R&D activities may involve the creation of a PoC (Proof of Concept) or research phase for a specific IT company. Developing or coding them is another matter. It doesn't have to be done by the same company - but it may have its benefits.

#1 Access to academic knowledge
#2 Unique know-how in product engineering
#3 Ready-made solution at your disposal
#4 Complex consulting
#5 Smaller business risk
#6 Cost optimization for enterprises
#7 Unique competencies of service providers
What can be included in Research and Development as a service?
#1 Proof of Concept
Have you thought about outsourcing proof of concept? In most cases, proof-of-concept projects are designed to validate a specific business idea in a specific environment. Although executing such PoCs is a natural outsourcing problem, PoCs are still often isolated and managed internally. Nonetheless, a proof of concept is an ideal "outsourced" material!

#2 Startup Development Services
Startups just beginning their careers should prioritize lowest-value products. Lowest value products are often the deciding factor in the overall success of a project and can reduce time-to-market.

You can also outsource engineering and development services.

With the right outsourcing partner, you can professionally create your minimum value product without any burden on you. It can go through all stages, from experimentation to successful iteration, failure fast and innovation. Outsourcing of an MVP should of course also be linked to the creation of a proof of concept. These phases should cover the entire product lifecycle, from developing a proof of concept into an effective MVP, to overseeing product development, to implementation in practice.

#3 Provide comprehensive programs for companies
The planning and prototyping phases are important, but the execution phase is even more important. The entire process can be outsourced, including planning, execution and evaluation. Even if some companies know exactly what the project needs and what it should look like, they may not have the necessary resources to implement it. Additionally, they may not have the skills needed to complete the project the way they want.

This is where outsourcing comes in, supporting your business growth and digital transformation.

#4 Integration
The world of technology revolves around full-featured integration. Many software development outsourcing companies have experience integrating hardware and software. Additionally, they can integrate hardware and software for other parties. Sometimes they also help hardware vendors create the right software.
It will be our pleasure to assist you. Contact us and let’s tackle product engineering together!
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